Gem & Lapidary Wholesalers

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Welcome to Gem & Lapidary Wholesalers
"Bringing Gem Shows to Your Part of the Country"

G&LW Trade Shows are produced in many major trade centers across the United States for the convenience of wholesale buyers. For the past 52 years, G&LW’s multiple show venues have been, and continue to be, a top gem & mineral buyer destination. G&LW exhibitors enjoy world-class personal service and exposure to the best customers in the business. Our goal is to create an environment that helps exhibitors connect to the right buyers & build successful relationships.

January 31 thru February 7, 2026 - 10am to 6pm
February 8, 2026 - 10am to 3pm 
(New Closing Time)

Show Schedule

Asheville, NC - Canceled
Lakeland, FL - January 10-11-12
Tucson, (Gem Mall) AZ - Feb. 1-Feb. 9
Tucson, (Holidome©) AZ - Feb. 1-Feb. 9
Minneapolis, MN - March 16-17
Westland, MI - March 21-22-23
West Springfield, MA - April 25-26
Orlando, FL - May 9-10-11

Franklin, NC - May 16-17-18
Franklin, NC - July 24-25-26-27
Tucson, AZ - August 28-29-30-31
Minneapolis, MN - September 21-22
Westland, MI - October 10-11-12
West Springfield, MA - October 17-18
Orlando, FL - October 24-25-26
Asheville, NC - October 28-29

Schedule updated 01/01/2025

Buyer Information


Wholesale Only Shows – Open Only to the Trade
Valid Tax Certificate OR Sales and Use Tax Permit in Gem or Jewelry Related Business is Required.
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